Post Operative Care

More Information

This section is intended for use by our patients only. Special circumstances may at times require specific instructions. Therefore, it is recommended that patients only adhere to specific instructions given to them by their own dental care provider.

Following Oral Surgery

Post operative care is important following oral surgery and recovery can be delayed if this is neglected. The following information should help to alleviate any concerns you might have and will give you insight in what you may expect as you recover.

The Day of Surgery





You MUST NOT SMOKE for a minimum of two days after your surgery. Healing will be faster and less painful if you DO NOT SMOKE. Avoid drinking through a straw or spitting. The use of mouthwash and strenuous exercise should be avoided. Such habits will increase the chance of a "dry socket." This condition can occur following extractions. It is most often characterized as an intense dull ache often felt in the ear. It is normal to have mild discomfort following surgery, but if the pain worsens after 48 hours please call our office.

From the Second Day Until Healing is Complete...

Following Root Canal

It is normal to experience soreness for several days following endodontic treatment. This may be due to the previous condition of your tooth, or as a result of the dental treatment.

To Aid in Healing

Following Crowns & Bridges

Post Operative Care: Crowns and Bridges

Following Fillings

Post Operative Care: Fillings

Following New Dentures

By utilizing the very best known materials and techniques available we have fabricated a superior denture for you. Our job however is not complete. It is going to take great effort and lots of patience from you to accomplish our goal. We will do everything possible to adjust your dentures and achiever optimal esthetics and comfort.

Remember that your front teeth are only for looks and not for biting. It may take several adjustments and possible many days or even months to learn to chew and get used to your new teeth. We find that some patients require very few adjustments after receiving their dentures, however most patients require a series of adjustments. It is crucial that after receiving your dentures you wear them long enough to produce soreness. This is necessary for us to properly adjust them. Not wearing your dentures simply prolongs the process.

When you experience discomfort, remember to use a saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a large glass of warm, but not hot water) to rinse with. Hold the solution in your mouth for several minutes before spitting.

Eating will also be more difficult initially so a soft diet is recommended until you feel more comfortable. Remember to avoid crunchy, tough foods and to cut your food into smaller pieces. You may be desensitized to temperature. So, remember to avoid very hot foods until you are better able to judge temperature.

Your old dentures will probably feel more comfortable to you at first, but please be patient and remember your mouth needs time to adjust to your new dentures.

When you need an adjustment, remember to call to schedule an appointment so that we will be available to see you.

After the initial adjustment period it is important to leave your dentures out at night while sleeping, allowing your oral tissues to rest. Remember to brush your gums and tongue and to brush and soak your denture with a denture cleanser.